Sister Evans and I had our first trip to Pep Boys for our car to get one of the tires fixed (no good story behind that one) |
Plenty of exciting things have been happening this week, and it seems to have flown by! You may be wondering about my title, so I will explain that first. On Saturday evening, we were having a member drive us around to appointments and be our team-up, and she offered to take us to a Japanese restaurant called Kani House. We didn't have dinner plans, so we went! We got to see our food cooked hibatchi-style, which was pretty neat! There was lots of fire involved and now I have some ideas as to how stir fry is really done. I decided to step out of my food-zone and try fish! (My dad will be smiling as he is reading this). That's right, I had tilapia and shrimp in one meal! (And here is where my mom will smile) Plus, the stir fry had zucchini in it and it was pretty good! I have never been one for adventurous eating, but I survived this encounter and may be trying more new things in the near future!
Because of interviews this week, I got to get to know President and Sister Marsh a bit better, which was AWESOME! I am so excited to start working with them more and more! President Marsh is hilarious and had some good counsel to answer questions I had about my area and my work as a missionary. It is going to be a fun year with these two in charge!
Being a missionary this week has been stressful but good. Because the weather has been so unpredictable for the past few weeks, we haven't been able to use our bikes much, which leaves us dependent upon our feet and members! That adds a little bit of complication to planning and getting places, but it has been really good to get the members more involved in the work, which is awesome! Our district decided to set a stricter definition for "contacts" this week, which has been interesting to experiment with. The bar is now much higher than it was, which means that our contacts have been much more worthwhile, but it is a lot harder to hit our goal of "contacting" 70 people each week. It will certainly be interesting to be able to talk with the rest of thre district tomorrow and see what their experiences were with our new definition.
Our one investigator, Amber, has officially moved out of our area, so we will be referring her to other missionaries this week. In the meantime, we did find one new investigator! Rosa was a referral from her daughter over 2 months ago, who we have been trying to contact, but has been out of the country for the past month! On Friday we were finally able to meet and teach her, which was awesome, and we are looking forward to our appointment with her tomorrow!
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Kani house |
The spiritual highlight of my week has been hymns! Music can bring the Spirit so strongly into a room, and I have recently realized how applicable so many hymns are to my life as a missionary. One in particular that has been helping me through this transger is "Come, Come Ye Saints." On the first day of the transfer, the first line hit me really strongly and has been suck in my head ever since. It goes, "Come, come ye saints, no toil nor labor fear, but with joy, wend your way." That line has helped me refocus on all the joyful things happening in my life and in the world around me. It reminded me that I am in charge of how my day goes and that every day can be a joyful one, even if it is full of hard, disappointing things. There is always joy to be had, and "men are that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25)! I would invite you all to have a more joyful week this week and to share that joy with those around you!
I love you all!
Sister Houghton
701 Downsby Lane
Apt. 333
Woodstock, GA
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