Hi y'all! It's been quite a couple of weeks, and there is so much I could tell you about! I'll spare you many of the details and try to just hit the highlights.
Last Monday, I got to play field sports with my zone (about 30 missionaries) and had a blast, despite my slowed pace. We played kickball (I kicked left-footed and somebody else ran for me), frisbee, volleyball, and hot potato! It was sunny, but not too hot, so I survived. My water bottle was quickly drained when we finally went back to the car though. It's been getting toastier and toastier, and the humidity has been kicking in, so we're starting to plan our days to fit in chunks of time with air conditioning or shade. 
Do you remember L? Well, she is as wonderful as ever. On Wednesday, we were able to teach her with our mission president's wife, and L absolutely soaked up everything we talked about. When we recited the first vision for her, she audibly gasped at the Spirit in the room. I've loved having a front-row seat to her experience learning about the gospel and recognizing the Spirit. We have another appointment with L this week, so I should have more to say next week!
On Thursday, we had the best Zone Conference I've ever been to! President Marsh taught us about something he likes to call "Yellow Pad Prayer" (praying with pen in hand and solutions/answers already written down, looking for confirmation of correct answers - his preferred paper is a yellow, legal pad, which is where it got its name) and a really neat, easier-than-expected, bizarre way to memorize doctrines for various chunks of scripture (Sister Fullmer and I have got the books of 1 Nephi and Jacob down, so we're just waiting for more details from President Marsh to learn everything else in the Book of Mormon and then the New Testament). Sister Marsh led a discussion about motivation, and where it comes from, which inspired me to look at the days differently. I've already seen a huge difference in the few days I've been thinking about it. The other exciting part of Zone Conference was that all of my previous companions who are still in the mission field were there, so it was a big reunion! It was so good to review my mission by talking with them and realizing how much I have changed. Although I never realized it at the time, I have learned so much from each companion I've been with and each ward I've served in. I'm trusting that the pattern will hold true to the end!
Okay, I don't have time to write a novel, but the missionary work is going great and I am excited to keep working here in the Collins Hill Ward. I love y'all!
Sister Houghton
9102 Holland Place
Lawrenceville, GA
Sorry, the pics won't download this week! But, here are the descriptors...and the moth was really quite impressive!
Pics: Sister Lu, Sister Hahn, Sister Parsons, Sister Cleveland, myself, and sister Fullmer at Zone Conference (I have not been companions with all of those people, but that's who ended up in the picture), and a moth on somebody's door, which shortly thereafter attached itself to my dress!
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